Adult FAQs
Today, orthodontic treatment is a viable option for almost any adult.
If you're an adult who is considering orthodontics, you are not alone. Today, one in five orthodontic patients is an adult. And you'll be happy to know that many orthodontic problems can be corrected as easily for adults as for children. That's because orthodontic forces move teeth the same way for a 40-year-old adult and a 10-year-old child. Dr. Jeffrey Cohen understands that many adults just like you would like to enhance their smiles, which is why he's made adult orthodontics an integral part of him practice.
It's never too late and it's rarely too early to enjoy the many benefits associated with braces. You don't have to live with less than perfect teeth. Regardless of your age, our office has an orthodontic treatment that is sure to put a smile on your face.
Maybe you didn't get braces when you needed them as a child, or maybe you did, but you stopped wearing your retainer. Orthodontics can still help you. You are never too old for a beautiful smile.
Dr. Jeffrey Cohen offers several orthodontic options for adults and will recommend the best option for your individual condition. He knows that you might be avoiding braces because you don't want the appearance of metal braces on your teeth. Fortunately, he offers cosmetic clear braces that can achieve excellent results, plus they are virtually invisible. Next, Dr. Jeffrey Cohen offers Invisalign, which is a revolutionary alternative to traditional braces that can give you a beautiful smile without metal wires or brackets. With Invisalign, a series of clear removable, custom-made aligners gradually move your teeth just like braces do. Invisalign can benefit both adults and mature teens.
It is well recognized that when left untreated, many orthodontic problems may become worse. When you have a malocclusion (“bad bite”), your teeth may be crowded, excessively spaced or may not fit together correctly. Such conditions may lead to dental health problems. Crowded teeth are hard to clean and, given time, may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. Bad bites can also result in abnormal wearing of tooth surfaces, difficulty chewing and damage to supporting bone and gum tissue. Poorly aligned teeth can contribute to pain in the jaw joints.
You’ll be pleased to learn that orthodontic treatment will fit in with your current lifestyle – you can sing, play a musical instrument, dine out, kiss, and even have your picture taken. One in five orthodontic patients is an adult. The AAO estimates that more than 1,000,000 adults in the United States and Canada are receiving treatment from orthodontists who are members of the AAO.
The rate of toothlessness has declined over recent decades. Our great-grandparents, for the most part, lost their teeth around age 40. Today’s 25-year-old has the potential of another 75 years of keeping and using their teeth. This is a major change in dental health care (and life expectancy). Teeth that do not fit well often wear down more quickly—another reason to make sure that your teeth are in good alignment and well maintained in your adult years.
Change your smile and change your life
We have seen patients achieve amazing transformations, not only in their smiles but in their attitudes, after getting orthodontic treatment. Never underestimate the power of a smile to boost confidence and self-esteem.
Straight teeth are healthy teeth
Crooked or misaligned teeth are harder to clean and can lead to a whole host of potentially serious oral health problems. Orthodontic treatment NOW can save you a lot of money you'd have to spend for dental treatment later.
These aren't the braces you remember
Don't forget, braces have come a long way in recent years. They are more comfortable, the treatment times are shorter, and require fewer visits. There are new materials, and new appliances - many of which are barely noticeable, if it all. With the many options available today, it's never been easier or more convenient to achieve a sensational smile.
Your best investment
A new smile is unlike anything you can buy to enhance your appearance. A third of our patients are adults, and after they see their new smiles many of them tell us they wish they had done it sooner.
These are the people who know the value of a healthy smile - people who realize the best investment you can make.
©2010 American Association of Orthodontists